
国際問題のルーツを探る - Exploring the Roots of 15 Current Global Issues

ISBN: 9784523179634 C0082



いしたに ゆみこ


石谷 由美子 著








(全15章 各章8ページ構成)


Unit 1 Ukraine: The Russian invasion of Ukraine
Episode 1: Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022)
Episode 2: Volodymyr Zelensky (Ukrainian president at war)
Unit 2 Ireland: “The Troubles” over Northern Ireland
Episode 1: Reformation: the religious split of England and Ireland
Episode 2: Prospect of Scottish independence
Unit 3 Brexit: Why did the UK leave the EU?
Episode 1: Scotland and Ireland over Brexit
Episode 2: Who supported Brexit?
Unit 4 The Second Cold War?: US vs China
Episode 1: The Cold War
Episode 2: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Unit 5 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The most difficult global issue to resolve
Episode 1: Britain’s three-tongued diplomacy
Episode 2: Jerusalem
Unit 6 Rohingya: A troubled minority in Myanmar
Episode 1: Aung San Suu Kyi
Episode 2: Japan and the Rohingya
Unit 7 Basques: The oldest European people
Episode 1: The Basque Country and Catalonia
Episode 2: Guernica
Unit 8 Korea: The division of Korea
Episode 1: Korea under Japanese rule (1910-1945)
Episode 2: Soviet Union and the 38th parallel
Unit 9 Romani: Romani’s Great Journey
Episode 1: The complicated history of flamenco in Spain
Episode 2: History of persecution and assimilation of the Romani
Unit 10 Switzerland: Armed neutrality
Episode 1: Armed neutrality
Episode 2: The Nazis and neutrality during WWII
Episode 3: Swiss banks
Unit 11 Hong Kong: One country, two systems
Episode 1: The Opium Wars
Episode 2: Hong Kong under Britain
Episode 3: Macau
Unit 12 The Pope and the Vatican City State: The smallest country in the world
Episode 1: The Pope and fascism
Episode 2: The Swiss Guard
Episode 3: Conclave
Unit 13 Kurds: A stateless people
Episode 1: Turkey’s opposition to Finland and Sweden joining NATO in 2022
Episode 2: Saladin
Unit 14 Uyghurs: How can Muslims survive in China?
Episode 1: The Hui – China’s preferred Muslims?
Episode 2: The Boycott of the Beijing Olympic Games over the Uyghur issue
Unit 15 Afghanistan: Al-Qaeda and Taliban
Episode 1: Why did the Americans leave Afghanistan in 2021?
Episode 2: Boycott of the Moscow Olympics (1980)